[CH] General appeal

marxman (marxman@skynet.be)
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 08:23:19 +0200

Hi there folks, Diane here, been lurking on and off for a while now...

Warning! Somewhat off topic posting!

    I work in an asylum center in the greater Antwerp area of Belgium. One
of our longest standing volunteer workers is also a member of an action
group for children in White Russia that are Chernobyl victims. One of the
actions they do on a regular basis is to collect food, clothing, medicine,
toys, etc. for the families and make a "wagon train" of a few trucks,
delivering these to the families of the affected kids. One of the things
they also collect is seeds, last year they managed to get a nice load of a
few pallets of outdated but still viable vegetable seeds. This year they're
at it again, and I've been asked if the Chiliheads would be interested in
sending any of their extra stock to assist in this worthwhile effort.
There's no drop dead date for the donations of seed as they make several
trips a year. This is a legit organisation, I'll be able to post the web
page address for the parent organisation in a day or two to anyone
interested. The address for sending donations is:

Kazerneweg 3
2650 Kapellen

They are NOT asking for money! I'm happy to send a translated copy (from
Dutch) of the general letter from the organisation's Antwerp branch. Thanks
in advance for listening, I realise this is not specifically a chili related
posting but with the new seeds for the season coming in, maybe the best
place for the old stock is the needy gardens of White Russia.

Regards and thanks from Diane Cavallero and the Pleegouders Actie voor