Re: [CH] Satanic chemicals

=Mark (
Thu, 08 Apr 1999 08:30:48 -0400

At 09:26 PM 4/7/99 GMT, Rain wrote:
>-> Golly gee.  I've combined organic methods with petrochemical assists for 
>-> thirty-five years.  No one's unhealthy at my house and we depend on the 
>-> garden for most (in season) fresh vegetables.  
>Right on.  If chemical fertilizers used correctly (and that does usually
>mean lightly) are so inadmissable, how come my grandmother fed a family

I've recently read reports of cases of food poisoning from organically
grown veggies as the result of improper use of manure as fertilizer.  I
guess any method of food production can have benefits and hazards depending
on how carefully they are used.

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

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