RE: OFF TOPIC BIG-TIME [WUZ:Re: [CH] Yellow Peppers]

California Technologies (
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 16:57:06 -0700

 VoodooChile wrote:
> and personally, i'd show much more support 
>(which is none, right now...and
> i'm ex military, btw) for the US troops 
> if they had stood in unity, faced
> their "commander-in-chief" and told him 
> to go to hell. 

	Well said, indeed!  I am in complete
agreement.  It is amazing how a draft dodger
is allowed to spend $250 million a week
in order to wag the dog and take the heat off
the issue of Chinese theft of U.S. atomic
secrets, sale of U.S. satellite technology
to the Chinese, and millions in illegal
campaign contributions from the Chinese to
Clinton's campaign fund.
	Of course, during the bombing, Clinton
has no fear of personal involvement, since
he is spending additional hundreds of thousands
of our tax money entertaining the Chinese head
of state at a ball.  Great Scott!

	ON THE GRILL:  Chicken breasts marinated
with pesto marinade made with finely chopped
spinach, cilantro, garlic, and Habaneros;
halved red, yellow, and orange bell peppers;
Jalapeno peppers; Habanero peppers; mushrooms;
eggplant--all marinated with the pesto marinade.
YUM!  Hopefully, there will be enough margaritas
to put out the fire!


California Technologies - David Louis Harter
Computers - Internet Services - Firearms
Photography - Graphic Services - Model Agency