[CH] Rants and Raves

James Campbell (camkeep@bright.net)
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 08:56:14 -0400

OK, so here goes, Friends:

[PgDn to avoid off-topic political rant]
I'm an ex-GI, too, and I support our troops in thought and prayer.  That
said, I do not support Bubba and his bed-fellows, American or Chinese.
Sorry, but I don't trust him enough to support him -- in anything.  Besides,
this ‘Action' is a lose-lose situation, tried before and failed before;
witness Lebanon, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Somalia, etc.  We get what we pay
(vote, and pay and pay) for in politicians.  The people of Ohio voted about
4 to 1 to limit Congressional terms; on the very same ballot, they
re-elected a Senator to his 4th (I think) term.  Duhhh?  As for the military
leaders, I'm sure they've let their feelings be known; we pay them first to
advise and then to carry out the will of the President and Congress, not to
stage coups d'etat. [End rant 1]

[PgDn to avoid on-topic TMV vs. Recipe rant]
I, for one, am disappointed that the grump of one person has caused the well
of recipes to dry up.  I'm here because I want to learn about peppers and
how to eat them (would love to be a left-over-nibbling mouse in the Hallowed
Halls of Doug).  Being a certified ‘brown thumb', I doubt that any of your
advice on germination, virus, 10-24-36, etc will do me much good, but ‘I
tried this last night and it was really good' recipes are important.
Shuttling me away to a list of recipes at some web site is OK at times, but
I like the information straight from the horse's m-m-m.. fingers. [End rant
two, end rant all]

OK, someone tell me what happened at the Indiana HotLuck, please.  I'm sure
it was something to Rave about.  Warmest regards and AIA (apologies in
advance), JC, the Other