[CH] Re: previous post!

Doug Irvine (dirvin@bc.sympatico.ca)
Fri, 16 Apr 1999 21:31:33 -0700

Both of those dishes went into the same oven, at the same temperature,
and I had just added enough tomatilla sauce to not quite cover the
fish,it still having some liquid in it. The Mac & cheese dish styed in
the oven until it was browned, I added the paprika half way through so
as to brown it....one glass of wine too many while typing the recipes!
But, then I have a habit of doing that, so I really should type first,
drink later, or drinnnk later taye later drink first never type at all ,
Oh eth heck with it.....seriously...I think you all got both recipes,
when i do them as I am going along, I sometimes lose the thread of the
thing....specillllllly if I have typed later and drunk earlier etc
etc<!!!! You got it! Doug in BC...It was a really great fish dish, as
well as the Mac & Cheese! Add more peppers if you wish, it really was
pretty hot, and two serranos, is plenty in the green sauce, so that it
does not kill the flavor of the fish.