[CH] Re: Any Ottawa or Ontario Canada Chile-Heads

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
17 Apr 99 17:21:04 -0800

 -=> Quoting Jim McQuaid to All <=-

 JM> Hi, I'm finally thawing out here in Ottawa, Ontario.
 JM> Any others in Ontario lurking in here. I'd love to talk growing
 JM> chilies in the northern climes..

Ottawa is my home town but I live in Yellowknife now and believe I am
the most northerly list member here. [Latitude 62 22 00 N]. Any Alaskans
here farther north?

My chile growing is restricted to pots that live on the deck June 1 to
Aug 31 and indoors on a window sill the rest of the time. I use grow
lites from Nov to Feb as there isn't enough natural light during winter
this far north. [Less than 4 hours of twilight on Dec. 21.]

I maintain four cayennes and four F1 hybrid superchilis that I over-
winter and are now three years old. I also have a friend who keeps me
supplied with habbies from her window sill garden. So it can be done.


                                                            YK Jim