Re: [CH] green house

David C. Yoshiba (
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 09:22:03 +0900

At 1:57 PM -0400 99.4.18, Dave Sacerdote wrote:

> You'll see warnings about whiteflies and other greenhouse pests.  I probably
> should not say this because it will be inviting disaster, but I have never
> had a pest problem in the years I have been growing things in my greenhouse.

Being on the other side of the Pacific, we've got a different litany of
varmits to contend with, but point taken. I've got a couple of artichoke
plants that are covered with critters. (I'm from the US originally, but
having learned about gardening in Japan, I only know the Japanese names for
some of these bugs.) I'm going to mix up a batch of the mint mouthwash/Ivory
soap bug spray when it stops raining.

> You can find a lot of good information and helpful people on the web at
>  (go to the message forums, there is one devoted to
> greenhouse discussion) for specific answers about greenhouses.

Thanks, I'll check that out immediately.