[CH] TO Dave and some transplanting news

RST G (synapse7@home.com)
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:12:07 -0400

Dave: No, no Wegman's around here. I wish. But I am happy for the
selection they have at that Bound Brook Shoprite - I couldn't believe
they also had Yucateco - 3 types. 

Transplanting: I transplanted the Bolivian Rainbows, Chocolate Habs,
Yusafasa, Rosemary's Cayenne, Super Serranos yesterday. All are doing
well so far. They are all in jiffy peat pots which I water in the am and
the pm and they are fine that way. I know others have had problems with
the peat pots but I haven't. I just rip off the bottom when I transplant
them into the ground so that they roots are free and my plants
transplant just fine. Today I am transplanting the rest of them - mainly
pequin and chiltepin. Also some sweet peppers and basil. I am running
out of space on the kitchen window for all the pots. I can't put them
out for quite a while yet. I can't wait already. But the ground needs
some more work - composted manure, top soil, the usual stuff. Oh how I
wish for the middle of May already!!!!
