[CH] Re: A hardening question

Wed, 5 May 1999 13:28:20 EDT

There's nothing quite like a cold frame for hardening off plants.  It's not 
only prolonged sunlight that your plants have to adjust to, but also chillier 
temperatures and colder "feet" than they've experienced. Very dilute 
solutions of fish emulsion help with the adjustment.  
Putting the plants out in partial shade would be more gradual a treatment 
than even the cold frame.  On sunny days, I wouldn't think twice about 
letting them "go out and play" while you're at work.  Gradually move them 
from partial shade to more and more direct sun.
Our friend, Byron Bromley waits until the ground is warm before 
transplanting, I usually only wait until overnight temperatures remain over 
50 degrees.  Although, until this year, I've only been transplanting 
Jalapenos and Hungarian Hot Waxes.  My tomatoes and basils have sulked in the 
cool soil.
When are they ready?  Hard to tell, but they're probably ready when you no 
longer have the urge to supervise them outdoors.
Gareth the ChillyKnight