[CH] Calling All Cooks

Deb deForest (deforest@selec.net)
Tue, 18 May 1999 12:00:47 -0500

Well, I've suggested it before--now the opportunity just might be here! 
We *need* Chile-Head cooks on the Food Network and they are looking for
cooks now for a new show called Calling All Cooks.  I would have
nominated Doug in BC, Rael, ChefChile, Gareth, Cameron, Myron, Judy,
Elder Jim, Calvin, Luke in Oz, Tom, Andie P, Mark, Chuck, Andy B,
Mary-Anne and so many others of you but they want your phone numbers so
I didn't do it.  You can nominate yourself, though.  Please, please. 
Here is the URL http://www.foodtv.com/fn/events/callcook/index.htm

If you are too modest to fill in the blanks other than the phone number,
just let me know and I'll sing your praises and fill in the other parts
for you.  We could suggest you go on the show as a pair with another CH
if you're too timid to do it alone, too....

Let me know if you do this and give me your phone number...maybe it
would help to have more than one nomination per chile-head cook...maybe
we could all flood them with nominations of one or two representatives
if that seems like a good idea.  It's about time some real chile
knowledge landed on that network and this could be our ticket!  Deb in