[CH] Question of Bug Spray

Tim (prez@execs.com)
Thu, 20 May 1999 17:56:28 +0800

Hi ya all,

After reading a little while back, and more recently
the topic of making home made pest sprays has come
up.  With these being made from chilli, garlic and 
dish soap.  I now am unfortunate enough to have 
my plants infected with the likes of aphids and mites.

My question is this does the above spray mix
actually kill these pests, or does it just annoy them
so much that they go and reside unwontedly on
someone else's valued plants??

What's the general census on pyrethrum based sprays
for these pests??

All points of view, pointers and criticism appreciated.

All the best,
Tim Hyder

The only place where your dream becomes impossible 
is in your own thinking. ~ Robert H. Schuller