[CH] Asparagus

James Campbell (camkeep@bright.net)
Fri, 21 May 1999 11:52:22 -0400

Good morning.

Thanks for the asparagus recipe, Doug.  I read it after supper and we made
it for lunch the next day.  Yum!!! We have planted asparagus a couple of
times and now have to give it away (about 10# to church Wed eve).  We find
many recipes, book or net, but most are with pretty heavy sauces and only
accompany a meal. More recipes, please.

Same stream, different horse:  I down-loaded some back files of the digest
last night, and found that part of them came out with heavy black lines
running along the line of text, splitting the characters, like --------
right over the letters.  One was # 120, 1996.  Can there be more thing I
don't know about computers?  Any suggestions?

I got a care package from JC the Elder (no corporate relationship, only
tenuous familial).  I apparently made a bad mistake in my sampling procedure
and am now waiting patiently for the second package, the one with the flame
retardant suit and fire extinguisher -- whoo!

Tanks again, Doug.  Warm regards to you and all of you.  JC the Other