Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V5 #335

Cameron Begg (
Mon, 24 May 1999 08:24:55 -0500

Hi C-H's,

Carpo wrote:
>Whoa.  This year's mix of The Brew has eaten its way through the side of
>the 3-gallon stoneware crock it's aging in.
>After I got
>the sheets of leached salt off of the outside I looked at it with an
>eye-glass and I can't even see any pores.

Is it possible that you were loosing the brew by capillary attraction? That
is the fancy name for "wicking" and could occur if you had a continuous
layer of salt from the inside to the outside. Was there salt encrusted
around the top when you removed the plate? Was the plastic film on top of
"The Brew" spread up the insides of the crock to form a capillary channel
for the liquid to climb? Or worse, was the plastic film touching the
surface of "The Brew", placed up the insides of the crock, and then pulled
over the outside to a lower level that the internal liquid level thus
creating a siphon?
                     Regards,               Cameron.