[CH] Using Wood Ash on Peppers

Robert Farr (rbfarr@erols.com)
Mon, 24 May 1999 09:44:45 -0400

Good morning.

Transplanting some peppers early today; noticed purpling of some leaves,
yellowing of others on some plants; probably phosphorus (purpling) and
potassium (yellow) deficiencies.

Wondering, as I have lots of ash from wood stove, if I can make a soup
of the ash, and use it to water the peppers to correct the potassium

Also wondering what to do about the phosphorous prob. - compost tea
comes to mind.  How long do I steep?  And what other choices (bone meal
being out - not organic) do I have?

Have already transplanted nearly 80 peppers to the garden - and loving
this rain in Loudoun County (VA)!

Now if I could only catch that bunny.  Nibbling my cabbage transplants;
driving the dogs wild!!

