Fw: [CH] Using Wood Ash on Peppers

Tom F. Bryant (tfbxgp@neto.com)
Mon, 24 May 1999 19:40:33 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom F. Bryant
To: Robert Farr
Sent: Monday, May 24, 1999 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: [CH] Using Wood Ash on Peppers

Hi Robert,
> Wondering, as I have lots of ash from wood stove, if I can make a soup
> of the ash, and use it to water the peppers to correct the potassium
> problem.

Forget the ash. Dose is tricky. Consider "Sul-Po-Mag". It is organic.

> Also wondering what to do about the phosphorous prob. - compost tea
> comes to mind.  How long do I steep?

With a bucket half full of manure based organic compost, fill the bucket the
rest of the way with water. Stir. Stir a few more times during the next 10
to 14 days. Then, it's ready. Mix 2-3 cups with 1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar,
1 Tbs. black strap molasses, 1 Tbs. liquid seaweed (kelp), and fill to one
gallon with water. Mix well, strain. Makes a terrific foliar spray. Apply
every week or two. Add other ingredients for specific problems. And THAT is

  And what other choices (bone meal
> being out - not organic) do I have?

Bone meal is organic. Better, still, learn about "Colloidal Rock Phosphate".
Also, "Texas Green Sand".

> Now if I could only catch that bunny.  Nibbling my cabbage transplants;
> driving the dogs wild!!

Consider "Hot Pepper Wax". Or fox urine. Both "organic".

If you are really interested in organic methods, enough to pursue it, email
me privately.
Best regards,