[CH] Jim Campbell's Fiery Hot Habanero Sauce

bucsics (bucsics@ping.at)
Thu, 27 May 1999 22:54:15 +0200

Thank you, Mr. C., for the sauce, which arrived in Vienna this Tuesday.
The flavor is wonderful and even my super-critical and heat-sensitive
husband ("don't make it too hot again!!") made appreciative comments.
It's really good, not only hot.

A heartfelt thanks to all the chileheads for comments, helpful hints,
recipes and seeds. I exchanged some with Dave Anderson. The germination
rate according to his directions was awesome, over 95%, even for the Aji
sent from Ecuador by my son. No details on what those really are, so I'm
just growing them and see what the plants come up with. All the chiles
grew like magic: They germinated in a mixture of cactus soil and sand,
then were transferred to small pots. I started hardening them on the
terrace in the beginning of May and they were put in the ground or into
large pots after the Ice Saints (St. Pancras, St Boniface, St. Servatius
and St. Sophia have their feast days between May 14 and 18) and are
doing well. In the meantime,  I also got rid of the ants in the
apartment, which came with the potting soil. So, Charleston Cayennes,
Red and Orange Habaneros, Jalapenos, Hungarian cherries and Ecuadorian
Aji are doing well in Vienna. No  flowers yet, but I hope they will be
coming. Just wondering if I'm apt to get any hybrinds if I'm not
careful, and whether those would be sterile..

Best wishes to all from Vienna

A. Bucsics