[CH] Pimiento Padron

Roger Shezall (rshezall@netcomuk.co.uk)
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 19:56:18 +0100

Just got back from a holiday in Lanzarote. (You can't really have too
much fun!). All the restaurants served a dish called Pimiento Padron,
small green chillis fried and served sprinkled with rock salt as a

No real surprises there, but these chillis weren't hot. Except for abut
every fifth one. I asked the Spanish waiter and he said both chillis -
mild and hot - grew on the same plant. Yeah, right...

But I bought a packet of the seeds from a local shop to plant here and,
sure enough, on the packet it says there are two types of fruit, one
pointed, the other snout-like. The chillis bear the same name as the

So does anyone have any idea what these chillis may be? Are there really
two types of fruit on one plant? Can one be hot and the other mild? Or
was I just overcome by too much sun, sea and sangria? 

It's too late in the season to plant these now, but any information in
advance of next year's planting would be appreciated.



"Sir, A man who will not mind his belly will not mind much else"
Dr Johnson