Re: [CH] Winter

Brad Lewis (
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 16:32:10 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Peter!

Actually, I do have some of the other species of peppers. The problem is
that the C Annuums are the only ones that bear fruit quick enough - last
year half the Baccatums (sp?) didn't even get fruit on them before the
frosts hit. I do get some of the other species of peppers, later in the
season, but not that many. Here in PA the growing season is over by
October, even using
plastic sheeting to cover the peppers at night- it's just too cold and
dismal to go much later. And the plants don't go in the ground before May.
The earlier C Annuums are pretty much done before fall begins. Our winters
here are typically in the range of 10 to 40 F (-12 to 5 C). I don't even
get any "volunteers" from seeds left from the previous year, I guess due
to the cold. 

So I suppose that here it isn't really which peppers can withstand light
frosts, as the other species might be able to, but rather, which species
will produce fruit before the hard freezes come.

On the bright side, THIS YEAR I got earlier C Baccatums which are already
getting flowers on them. YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

