FW: [CH] Winter

Gil White (gilbert.white@sympatico.ca)
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 22:42:34 -0400

I'm well north of you,with early frost in mid september ( Zone 5b )
and have got descent crops of serrano's.  Maybe only 1/4 ripen to a
bright red, but the green one's are great in sauces.  I've also got
haberno's ripe, by starting the seeds real early indoors.  Not every
one, but enough to justify growing them.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-chile-heads@globalgarden.com
[mailto:owner-chile-heads@globalgarden.com] On Behalf Of Brad Lewis
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 1998 4:32 PM
To: Peter Moss
Cc: Chile-Heads@globalgarden.com
Subject: Re: [CH] Winter

Hi Peter!

Actually, I do have some of the other species of peppers. The problem
that the C Annuums are the only ones that bear fruit quick enough -
year half the Baccatums (sp?) didn't even get fruit on them before the
frosts hit. I do get some of the other species of peppers, later in
season, but not that many. Here in PA the growing season is over by
October, even using plastic sheeting to cover the peppers at night-
it's just too cold and dismal to go much later. And the plants don't
go in the ground before May.

