Re: [CH] Drying Chiles

Ron M (
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 15:19:11 -0500

Sandy Olson wrote:

> Hi Hank....
>     I have a Ronco via an old infomercial several years ago.  It's not the
> most sophisticated model in the world but I like the fact that it doesn't
> have a fan.



> haven't tried peppers yet but I imagine it will do a fine job.
>                                     SandyO
>                                     CH #1146, of the moderate persuasion


The Ronco did a great job for me! I keep it in my study and love the smell when
I'm drying Habs. Open the door to do some work or shift the trays, UMMM! So I
guess not everything Ronco made was a piece of crap, although I don't know how
the "Pocket Fisherman" would stand up to a CH'ers scrutiny!

ps. I just picked the 1st hab out of my very own garden. A 1st for me.
Before I had bought them fresh at yuppie stores, when I could find them. The
pepper wasn't even very ripe, only yellow around the top 1/3 of the pod. Bit
it, and heck yeah! that's a Habenero!

All thanks to my Higher Chili Power! May his/her beneficence smile on ya'll

Ron Marsh
CH #1187

Ce qui? Tout que j'ai demandé était quelques
 cuisses de GRENOUILLE?

(What? All I asked for was some FROG legs?)