[CH] Mail failure- resent

Andrew Healy (A.Healy@surrey.ac.uk)
Thu, 09 Jul 1998 13:14:25 +0100

>Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 04:56:00 -0400 
>[017] Unable to deliver user mail due to a full mailbag.
>Message was not delivered to
>  ORNET/SMHOR/jkasprza (ORNET/SMHOR/jkasprza)
>Microsoft Mail v3.0 (MAPI 1.0 Transport) IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
>From: Andrew Healy
>To:  Chile-heads@globalgarden.com
>Subject:  [CH] Hot banana
>Date: 1998-07-09 04:15
>Priority: 3
>Message ID: D08058B5B516D2119C37080009DC29DC
>Just a bit of crowing, when I say that my previous enquiry about Caribbean
>Hot Banana's was enough tro promote a veritable explosion of greenery,
>erupting from the CBH pots.... do you think that peppers are really the
>tricksters of the botanical world.
>In the words of the immortal Julie Andrews
>'I feel happy, I feel happy....'
>That which doesn't kill us, makes us strong !  <Nietzsche>
>					Andrew Healy

That which doesn't kill us, makes us strong !  <Nietzsche>

					Andrew Healy