[CH] Potatoes Giardiniera

AB Garbot (mango@uss.net)
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 15:23:25 -0500

Made one of our favorites last night on the grill - added fresh chopped cayenne harvested minutes before....mmm mmm good!

Enough Potatoes for everyone (can be baking, yukon gold, red - doesn't matter), brushed off and chopped into bite-sized chunks
Scoops of Hot Giardiniera, to taste (I prefer Dell'Alpe or Il Primo brands, Mils works, too, if you have non-CHers to feed)

Put everything into aluminum foil and place on the grill.  I usually put this on just as coals are warming up, and then it's the last thing to come off before eating.   Allow at least 45 minutes for potatoes to cook, but you can leave it on for hours and it'll be just as yummy!

I've also added fresh mushrooms, corn, pepper strips, etc. depending on what I have available.



"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - it'll teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemingway