Re: [CH] watch out for those bottles! PM: only a bit on topic!!

lukasz (
Sun, 19 Jul 1998 18:10:43 +1000

Fawcett, Steve wrote:
> Dave's Insanity warns that it's not for people with heart or respiratory problems.
Not being Afflicted with these Ailements, I personally Can not
attest to the Veracity of this particular Quote. 
 and that it can also be used to strip wax off floors and remove
> oil stains from your driveway. Yeehaw!!!
Okay so it does strip wax from floors - Unleaded petrol is
Cheaper, Particularily for our American brothers and Sisters !
Oil stains from your driveways - Forget it !!!! It just don't do
the Job 
Class Action lawsuit is recomended here - Jbenz?? 
I know that it tastes like Cats p**s But Hell!!  Daves is nearly
an Icon 
Like Levis/Coke/Pepsi/The carpet burns on Monica Lewinski's
-Oops sorry wrong list ............
					Luke in Oz