[CH] Re: need some ideas!

Alexandra Soltow (pamra@rockland.net)
Fri, 31 Jul 1998 17:33:36 -0400

Curt wrote,

>We need some ideas for a somewhat outrageous event, must be able to take
>place indoors, in public (which leaves out naked twister, sorry Rael),
>must involve hot foods and be a good draw of people.

How about a hot pepper eating contest? You could start with something
innocuous like Anaheims, see if anyone drops out, work up to jalapenos,
weed out the wussies, and keep going on up the Scoville scale through the
cayennes and tepins to the habs, and keep going until there's only one
person left, kind of like a spelling bee. It could be fun to come up with
many different varieties of peppers.


Alexandra Soltow


When you're going through hell, keep going. (Winston Churchill)