Re: [CH] PiriPiri's
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 13:32:38 +0000

Hi there,
There's an amusing S. African Website you might try.

Dave W in Cape Town

hi dave thanks for your e-mail about nandos, funny enough that was 
the restaraunt that I was trying to rember .. my fiance' said when 
they were small they were alot better, they used a charcole bbq but 
now they use a gas one and they flavor is not the same but it is 
still great food.
thanks for the url 

one lil thing that I found was that in the "peppers of the world " 
book the have a peri peri that is alot different that the one that 
they use a peri peri in S.A my fiance' identified the one they use as 
being a zimbawe bird pepper that grows wild there but the one peri 
peri that I got from portugal is still alot smaller so I am still not 
sure as to what it is.

mark roache'