Re: [CH] Health and chiles

Michael Bailes (
Tue, 18 Aug 1998 16:05:26 +1000

At 12:45 AM +1000 18/8/98, casey marion wrote:
>Hi all,
>Most of my family and friends swear off chiles because of stomach
>problems.  I always tell them that hot peppers are actually good for
>stomach troubles; ie., capsacin kills bacteria that causes or is
>proliferated in certain ulcers, and chiles initially clean the system
>[ya, you might be confined to the outhouse for awhile when you first
>begin the great journey of chile-dom, but once the chiles purge your gut
>of the true culprits of your gastro-distresses, you will be be closer
>to  a pure, healthy and clean endogastro system].
>Question is: Am I wrong?
No you are right.
>It seems I read this stuff long ago as a young CH and it has stuck with
>me ever since.
>If any of you know of scientific-like links or interesting chile-health
>stuff, please let me know.
Try the Ring of Fire web ring

Michael Bailes.
The Fragrant Garden, Portsmouth Road, Erina. N.S.W. 2250 Australia. (OZ)
 International fax 61 243 651979 &  Phone 61 243 677322
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"Poor man, he just stands and stares at a yellow flower for minutes at a
He would be far better off with something to do."
Charles Darwin's Gardener
