Re: [CH] More thoughts on C. pubescens fruit setting

Ed Cutrell (
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 08:45:31 -0700 (PDT)

...waxing very sad about large pile of purple pubescens pistils...

> Previously I have hypothesised about day length, temperature, chemical
> conditions, altitude and anything else I could think of. Still the answer
> has elluded me. Until now. Maybe.

Do you know if this is true for plants grown in their native Andean
haunts?  This is my first year of growing rocotos (I have two), and I was
bracing for losing MANY flowers.  However, this did not happen--the very
first 6 or 8 blossoms on each plant dropped and then they started happily
setting (before my habs!).  I live in Eugene, OR, and had heard that they
do well here--I guess "they" were right!
