Re: [CH] chile massage oils

Melinda Merkel (
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 11:22:31

>>Of course, you could also share a small quantity of the finished oil with
>>those of us who would enjoy it... such as me! Where do I sign to get some
>>of this stuff? I mean, I've got to conduct my own experiment here, to make
>>sure it's safe for the rest of you ;-)
>Doth a Chilehead Twister Ramalamadingdong calleth?  Oh my!

Well, I could just say I'm protecting the better interests (and vital
parts, ahem) of my CH friends, but all this talk of habanero massage oils
and chile rubs is quite, er, well... let's just say I'm interested. 

Right foot red! Left foot green!

*where's that vat of peach salsa again?*

  Melinda Merkel  |  |