[CH] Joys of summer

Mon, 31 Aug 1998 08:09:56 -0500

     Life's simple pleasures can be some of the best.  I walk to the small 
     garden plot in the back yard and pick three or four vine-ripened tomatoes.  
     Peruse the pepper plants to see what looks best for today's harvest--maybe 
     some cayennes, jalapenos, orange habaneros, or beautiful hot red cherry 
     peppers.  Pluck a sweet bell pepper or a few crunchy banana peppers.  Stop 
     by the pot of herbs and pluck some cilantro or basil before heading back in 
     to the kitchen.
     I dice a medium yellow onion, dice the tomatoes and peppers, mince the 
     herbs, squeeze in the juice of at least one lemon or a couple of limes, 
     crush some fresh garlic cloves, salt the concoction well, and breathe the 
     spicy, citrusy vapors.  While I rinse the cutting board, the vegetable 
     juices in the bowl mingle with the fruit juice and salt (my wife says this 
     juice is the best part).
     The goal is a chile burn right at the edge of your tolerance, where your 
     nose runs and you feel a good warm spot deep inside you, but you can still 
     taste each element.  Open a bag of tortilla chips or warm some flour or 
     corn tortillas.
     We make this simple salsa as an appetizer often this time of year.  And 
     almost as often, it turns out to be the whole dinner because we can't stop 
     eating and burning and sniffing and tasting the hot, salty, lemony, crunchy 
     salsa until the last drop has been drained from the bowl with a satisfied 