[CH] Watermelons, Depression, Flakes and Powder

Randy (rock4u@rocketmail.com)
Sat, 5 Sep 1998 20:33:40 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Bill,

I have a pepper garden (thanks to Suzanne) and also some squash,
watermelons, etc.  The peppers are doing fine, especially my Scotch
Bonnett.  It has really bushed out the past three weeks.  However, the
watermelon hasn't done much yet.

My next door neighbors have a large plush garden that looks like a
mini rainforest.  Of course they probably work theirs more than I do. 
 From time to time they come to the fence and peep at our huumble

One night my roomate and I went to the Ingles and bought three huge
watermelons.  We put them out by our watermelon plant.  We ate them
soon after too avoid them going bad and never heard from the neighbors.

What makes me want to do these things?  

All I know is, I was depressed when I started eating peppers with all
my meals. I began to feel a little better.  Then I started adding
Calvin Powder on top of that.  The depression was almost eliminated. 
A friend then gave me some Campbell's Apple Smoked Hab Powder and I
started rationing that out into my meals.  Not only did my depression
disappear, but I started putting store bought watermelons in my
garden, shooting at my neighbors tomatoes with bamboo skewer
blow-darts, sneaking duck feet from the Farmer's Market into my
friends chli and this type thing.

What has come over me!

Hope all have had a great weekend! 

To me, truth is not some vague, foggy notion. Truth is real. And, at
the same time, unreal. Fiction and fact and everything in between,
plus some things I can't remember, all rolled into one big "thing."
This is truth, to me.   - Jack Handey 

Rockin' Randy's Homepage:

El Grande's Shrine:      

---Sheila Gilbert <she@eagle-access.net> wrote:
> I can still see in my minds eye my pal Tom laid out on the kitchen
table ,
> face down , while his dad picked rock salt out of his butt with
tweezers ,
> guess times have gotten a lot easier for teenage garden raiders .   
> ..... Colorado's highest CHILE grower

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