Immature peppers at frost time. was [CH] rocotos and habs-Reply

Frank J. Hashek (
Wed, 09 Sep 1998 21:05:23 -0500

I dice them and spread them on a cookie sheet.  I then put them in the
freezer.  When frozen solid, I put  them in the container I intend to keep
them in and return them to the freezer, where they remain at the ready to
satisfy my winter chile needs.  This way I can use whatever I need, quickly
and easily.  I put all varieties in one container, mixed together.  

Of course I also do a lot of dehydrating too.  I am also interested in
alternate methods of winter storage.

In the service of El Grande,

>Reply-To: Jerry Vaughan <>
>This brings up a question. What do most people do with peppers that are
>not ripe yet when heavy frost is eminent. Hopefully, frost is a long time
>off but I have a lot of cayanne's and habs just starting to form and I'm
>sure they will not all ripen.
>Potting is not an too small.   