[CH] About that depression thread

Alex Silbajoris (72163.1353@compuserve.com)
Fri, 11 Sep 1998 06:19:54 -0400


In this morning's NPR headlines was a story about the pharmaceutical
company Merck.  They're working with some medication that blocks substsnce
P, and some study of theirs found out it had a beneficial effect on people
with depression.

Now, our dear Cap is a substance P blocker, too, right?  So we've been
self-medicating all this time?

(A thousand people slap their foreheads and say "Well, DUH!")

We should all be making a fortune pitching the chile healing program ...
let El Grande comb out your matted neural nets; let La Abuela de la Cocina
show you the way to richness and satisfaction.  

On another topic, the recent cool weather across Ohio has brought out a
pretty round of blossoms on the pepper plants.  (Cheery enough in its own

     Alex Silbajoris  72163.1353@compuserve.com
     "Depression hits losers hardest"
     - headline in The Onion