Re: [CH] Did I get El Grande PO'ed, or what?
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 22:34:55 EDT

Steve laments:

> That's a cheap price!! Went to Shopper's yesterday and the habs were
>  $6.98/lb for small, shriveled green ones. If I could get that price I would
>  buy more land and retire in a few years.
Hello, everyone! I'm new to your list (and enjoying it very much), but a Chile
Head from way back ... had to comment on Steve's lament though.

My local Giant has good-looking habs for $3.99/lb -- you might want to check
there if you can't mooch habs off a friend's (or in my case, my supervisor's)
prolific garden.

On another note, my mom grew some little yellow peppers called "lemon yellow
peppers". I'm not sure about the name -- might be a hybrid or fancy name from
Burpee for all I know. They're roughly the size of jalopenos, but skinnier,
more wrinkled, and neon yellow. And, they pack a pretty good punch for their
size -- maybe a tad warmer than a jalopeno. They sure are pretty things,
