Re: [CH] Smoker!!

=Mark (
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 08:38:22 -0400

At 04:57 PM 9/20/98, Melinda Merkel wrote:
>After a trip to the Home Depot to get something totally unrelated, and a
>mistaken wandering down the wrong aisle, I am now the proud owner of a
>brand new fire-engine-red basic-model smoker. (My boyfriend saw me come
>home with it and just laughed - I buy lots of stuff this way.) Now, the
>major question: what do I do with it?

What kind of smoker?  An offset firebox or an R2-D2 water smoker.  I own a
Brinkmann Bullet smoker (Known in the smoke-cooking world as an ECB - El
Cheapo Brinkmann), and have made chipotles on a number of occasions.  Just
sliced and placed on an expanded metal grate and smoked for 5 or 6 hours,
then another load of lump charcoal and let it burn out overnight.
Resulting chipotles were stiff but not brittle and had a nice smoky flavor.
 Have also done:

Ribs - 4 hrs
Skirt steak - 2 hrs
Sword Fish - 1 hr
Scallops - 45 min.  Used in cream sauce over pasta
Chicken leg & Thighs - 2 hrs.

I am on a couple BBQ mailing lists, and over the past couple years they
have completed a 300+ page FAQ that contains probably more info than you
could possibly need.  It can be found at:

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

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