[CH] Portuguese Hot Peppers

W. Silva (wsilva@capecod.net)
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 11:40:38 -0400

For several years I purchased Portuguese Hot Pepper plants from a local
nursery.  Last year they were nowhere to be found and I was devistated.  I
finally tracked down ONE six-pack and have nursed them along (in pots). 
Now I have nice peppers, some of which have turned red.  My question is,
how to best preserve the seeds for next year-I have had sucess with other
plants by letting them dry out naturally then storing them in a film
cannister in the freezer until sowing time. Also, do you know these peppers
by any other name other than Portuguese Hot Peppers or can you give me a
source for the seeds just in case mine don't survive?

I love your web site, keep up the good work.

Wendy Silva
Cape Cod MA