[CH] Rhode Island food

Charles Demas (demas@tiac.net)
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 23:41:03 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, A.Paysinger wrote:

> Here I am, back from Rhode Island.
> You folks were correct.  There is no hot food in RI, at least not in the
> portion I landed in.  I did have some excellent lobster and at a much
> better price than here in Calif. 

I've had some squid, deep fried then saute'd with hot pepper flakes
in Rhode Island once, and it was really, really good.  It was an 
appetizer.  Had I known at the time how good it was, I'd have ordered a
few, and skipped the entree.  It wasn't killer hot, but then, I rarely 
find anything that's killer hot at a seafood restaurant.  We have
really good seafood here in the North East.

Chuck Demas
Needham, Mass.

  Eat Healthy    |   _ _   | Nothing would be done at all,
  Stay Fit       |   @ @   | If a man waited to do it so well,
  Die Anyway     |    v    | That no one could find fault with it.
  demas@tiac.net |  \___/  | http://www.tiac.net/users/demas