[CH] Re:What do you think of Tabasco Habanero Sauce?

J.D.Scudder (supervisor@scudder.sbceo.k12.ca.us)
Fri, 09 Oct 1998 07:05:00 -0700

On first taste, I liked it very much.  Then I made the mistake of reading
the ingredients.  I thought to myself "Hey! I don't taste any papaya puree
in this stuff?!?"  To me it's a thicker, more densely flavored sauce than
regular Tabasco, however it still retains some of that Tabasco vinegar
character.  It has a nice level of heat, though.

Speaking of sauces,  is Jim's Backdraft sauce on the market yet or is it
still in beta?  I've seen reference to it in a couple of posts, but haven't
seen it listed anywhere.

In Chiles,


* For the sake of tolerance do we tolerate the intolerable? *