Re: [CH] Spicy Vege Links

Rain (
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 20:31:19 GMT

-> > Thus put your search in quotes. Most of the pay per view pages dont
-> >  the words spicy and vegetarian.
-> Requiring the word "recipe" will do much the same thing if you're lo 
-> for non-vegitarian food links.
 x            ^e                                                    
There's another possible approach, too: customize non-chilehead
vegetarian recipes.  The best overall vegetarian food links I've found
are still Veggies Unite! ( and SOAR's "restricted diets"
section (hrmph, I don't feel restricted. :)) And there's nothing
to keep someone from adding heat to any recipe there; needless to say, 
I do it nearly all the time. :)
The Veggies Unite! system had recent technical problems, but everything
is back up except the search engine, and there's a good alphabetical
index anyway, so knock yourself out.   All 2700+ recipes there are
vegan--no dairy, no eggs--and many are really splendid.
Keep on rockin',