Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V5 #84

J.B Cattley (
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 21:14:50 +1000

>- -> * Do not eat dairy products except small amounts of
>- ->  cultured products such as yogurt and cheese.

>Greatly overgeneralized.  Not everyone needs to spend h/er
>time worrying about cholesterol;

Absolutely. Cholesterol _is_ not toxic or anything, it just tends to build
up if you eat too much of the stuff. Now, calcium on the other hand...

>- -> * Do not add salt to your foods. If you must, use a
>- ->  lite salt which is a mixture of sodium and
>- ->  potassium salts.

>Somewhat behind the research.  Recent studies says that avoiding salt
>isn't important for the majority of people; the only group that must do
>so has the *specifically sodium-dependent form* of hypertension.

Woo hoo!

Orright! Something I've been trying to bang into people's haeds for the last
five years. Some fool put together the words 'salt' and 'bad', and since
then, people have been terrified of eating salt, lest they get 'blood
pressure'. Never mind recent studies, all anyone ever said was that only
some forms of hypertension can be exacerbated by high-sodium diets, but this
concept was apparently too complex for the checkout-magazine crowd. Four
legs good...

>Different strokes for different folks; one set of nutritional rules
>just does not fit all.

Yea, verily yea! Most of the cardboard cutout eating guidelines that people
get presented with are an attempt to compensate for pre-existing bad eating
habits. If taken out of context, you skid over just as far in the opposite


-- How terribly intelligent you are, your views coincide precisely with