[CH] Como se dice.....

Sat, 4 Mar 2000 21:25:03 EST

In a message dated 03/04/2000 5:56:49 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Che-poat-lays....... I have been trying to get my wife to
 > pronounce that right for at least 10 yrs
    When I'm feeling lazy, I pronounce them chip-oat-ulls,
 with the last two syllables run together.  I know it's
 butchering the language, but only part time.
 Scott... KCK >>

Scott, I'm sure that's not the only way you butcher the language.  And, out 
here in Southern CA you have to learn correct Spanish pronunciation, or you 
will get lost because you won't be able to pronounce the street you live on.  
Che-poat-lays, with the emphasis on the next to the last syllable.

Oh, whatever way you say it, eat 'em up, yum!
