[CH] Drying Peppers

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
12 Mar 00 09:18:22 -0800

 -=> Quoting Phil Pocock to All <=-

 PP> I'm a novice at "using" peppers, and would like to know if anyone
 PP> out there can recommend a quick and easy way to dry peppers.

Hi Phil,

Welcome to the list.

You can dehydrate peppers:

- in a very low oven with the door ajar, overnight
- on a plate on a sunny window sill, in one-two weeks [If you have low
  humidity they won't rot or mold. Thin peppers are fine whole; thick
  fleshy ones can be sliced in half first.]
- in an oven with the 25 watt bulb replaced with a 100 watt one
- in a gas oven over the pilot light
- in a car with the windows rolled up on a sunny day [2-3 days where I
- in a make shift dehydrator consisting of a cardboard box, a light bulb
  and a cake cooling rack.

                                                Jim in Yellowknife