[CH] Tropical climes chile tips

Steve M Duddy (timetiles@icon.co.za)
Tue, 14 Mar 2000 08:51:03 +0200

Hi all,

I've been a digest reader for a few months.  Getting the feel of the
community.  I think you've all got a great thing going, and am happy to now
join in on a more personal level.  Was excited to hear that even Miss Dewi
in the Netherlands got her chile powder sample.

Was wondering:  I live in a tropical climate where there is no frost.  Can I
plant chile seeds out at anytime of year?  I know that they are perennials
in tropical climes.  Do they take their blooming hints from the number of
hours of sunshine per day?  I'm actually far south in the southern
hemisphere.  Basically just about as far south as you can get on the African
continent, give or take a few kilometers.  What would you do?  Wait for
spring?  I've got a few precious seeds I've obtained from the insides of a
Californian Chile, and I don't want to screw-up with them.  I enjoy the
really hot chiles easily available here, but I would like to introduce my
friends to the exquisite flavor of chile powder, the kind you use for
enchilada sauce, for instance.  Where the flavor has more meaning than the
heat.  Not much fun if you've made a great pot of chili and you're the only
one that can eat it.  (Please don't lambaste me for incorrect usage of
chile, chili... I'm still learning.)

I do empathize with all you chile-heads that have to deal with wintry storms
and loads of snow.  Just glad I don't have to deal with it myself.

If anyone is interested, I could provide some interesting Malay recipes,
South Africanized, which are popular here.  More along the lines of curried
dishes, though.

Thanks for a great time so far.  And if the message strays sometimes... It
is still the same people who are writing.  GM.... Bell Peppers... Lima
Beans...  You can never get to know your friends unless you occasionally

Steve M. Duddy
The Wilderness
South Africa