Re: [CH] Salsa Report

myron menaker (
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 16:15:26 -0500

Dear Porter,

I'm on my second jar of Muir Glen Roasted Garlic (Hot). It has to be
heated up with a little "Gentleman Jim's," but I can still recommend it
for its nice flavor. I'll have to look around for the Habaņero (sic).

Myron at the beach

Porter Banister wrote:
> Chile-Heads:
> I have just tried Muir Glen Organic Habaņero Hot Salsa (their tilde, not
> mine) and am very pleased to recommend this highly to listmembers. The heat
> is quite good, and may be tame enough for chile-heads of the moderate
> persuasion to enjoy unmodified. Of course usually I have to modify mine up
> several notches, not down. But this salsa satisfied my heat cravings all on
> its own. The tomato-garlic-onion-lime flavor that came through was more than
> satisfactory for an out-of-the-jar salsa. The main peppers used are
> jalapeņos and anaheims, but further down the ingredients list you find
> organic dehydrated habanero pepper (this time without the offending tilde).
> I have enjoyed other flavors of the Muir Glen Salsa Line in the past,
> (Fire-Roasted Tomato being especially notable) but they lacked sufficient
> heat on their own to warrant mention to the list.

.:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. 
Myron Menaker                      Daytona Beach FL USA     |    
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                  Canto ergo sum.                 |
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