[CH] Transplanting

Byron Bromley (Byron.Bromley@gsd-co.com)
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 09:29:37 -0500


>I have a dozen books that don't agree with >Nancy Bubel and there
>ain't a peony within a hundred miles of me.
>The Burpee Seed Starter book ( and even Byron >will have to admit
>that Burpees have been around for a while) says >"When seedlings
>have developed their first set of true leaves they >need to be thinned

A suggestion, The following is from the School of Hard Knocks or

Try a few, of your "Expendables" After 3 weeks compare the size difference.

I have even taken the 1 or 2 that start to grow upside down, and turned them
over, less than 1/2 in long, and had them grow,

My only losses have been from accidental dropping,  1 or 2 per year. (dog
doesn't help)

Books and Land Grant schools, doesn't matter what topic you pick, You will
always find some author that will disagree with all the others.

Doubt if you could find 10 that agree 100%

Getting back to the original issue, It works for me 99.9% of the time, I
appear to have better plant growth with this method. The cost of your
experimation is less than $1.
