[CH] Not quite OT, with other on- topic stuff thrown in

Mon, 27 Mar 2000 13:53:22 EST

Hi all,

I was wondering if there were any listmembers who are active on ICQ, Yahoo's IM or Compuserve's IM chat-like things. It would be interesting to be able to talk chiles at any time day or night (and I'm sure that with the number of CHers on this list, someone is always online at any given moment).

That said, my rocoto seedings are up to their 4th set of leaves, but my red ajis are still kind of puny. What would cause the leaves to turn a light green and kind of wither? Have been treating all plants the same, but those are the only ones not thriving.

Thanks for your help and feel free to contact me off-list so the digests don't fill up with me-toos :)

Jeff The Pepper Man
Home of the CH Rogues Gallery & Registry

PS Send more pictures!