Fwd: [CH] Math problem

Sun, 2 Apr 2000 22:23:29 EDT

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From: GarryMass@aol.com
Full-name: GarryMass
Message-ID: <cb.3c88945.2619459d@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 20:53:49 EDT
Subject: Re: [CH] Math problem
To: Byron.Bromley@gsd-co.com
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In a message dated 4/00 12:48:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Byron.Bromley@gsd-co.com writes:
<< How far was he off?? >>

Well, I was trying for 5 to 10lbs per 100 sq ft, (quibble, quibble), so a 
50lb bag for four raised beds at 5x12 for 60 sq ft x 4 beds got "mental 
mathed" to 2400 instead of 240.  A half bag per bed seemed pretty good, until 
I noticed the depth and realized it should have been a half bag total for all 

But the Chile raisers' good news is that I still got an excellent crop of 
hot, flavorful Chiles.  The Jalapenos seemed a little stunted, but the others 
thrived.  Can't be much doubt that the double digging saved me.  Better than 
that, however, is that I ran out of Chile room and had to plant 30 leftovers 
in the poorest, sandiest soil in my square yard.  Except that I watered 
MiracleGro Bloom Booster into that patch a week before planting, those Chiles 
went hungry for the whole season and actually outperformed the "fertile" 
(though super-limed) raised bed Chiles.

And, no one found the bodies.

Gareth the ChileKnight
