[CH] Watering pt 2

Byron Bromley (Byron.Bromley@gsd-co.com)
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 19:48:41 -0400

<< Question -- should they be watered in the evening >>

>Morning over evening, less chance of problems >for wet plants in the dark,
>things that go "bump" in the night.
>Drip over sprinkling, less evaporation loss, no >wet plants.  But beware of
>.Gareth the ChileKnight


There is another method called underground soaker hoses. Disadvantge, must
layout in spring while planting. Need to be careful with shovels and hoes.
Advantages, can be watered in PM with little plant problems, can work in
garden while watering, Does not wash off bugspray if elected.
Appears to take less water.
