[CH] An indoor pepper!!!!

Angel Cooper (AMCooper@webtv.net)
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 23:22:35 -0400 (EDT)

LAst fall, I brought in 4 of my pepper plants from the garden.  I
watered them and watched them as they lost their leaves.  As I was
getting ready to chuck them, I noticed that they had new growth so that
I have been carefully tending to them,watering once a week, maybe twice
if they looked wilted.  In January one of them started blooming - more
blooms than it EVER had in the garden.  I watched the tiny pepper nubs
and hoped that something would happen.  Today I was watering and
happened to move one of the branches and lo and behold, there was a
yellow scotch bonnet pepper!!! I am so excited.  So my question is, do I
keep these plants inside or prepare them for outside?  
