[CH] Re: hab mash (was Madison)

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Wed, 19 Apr 2000 13:18:13 PDT

>From: Tara Deen <tara@es.usyd.edu.au>

>I'd be really keen for Alex to post his recipe for hab mash!

T -

Each batch has been a bit different, but they all follow these guidelines:

If possible, use only one kind of pepper, in in only one color - if you're 
making a red hab mash, don't put in green jalapenos or you'll turn the whole 
thing brown.

Stem and seed the peppers.  You can leave the seeds in at first and let a 
sieve catch them later.  Chop them roughly and add them to a large pot over 
medium heat.  Add moisturte, especially at first, to steam/heat the peppers 
until they begin to turn tender and release moisture.  I prefer to add apple 
cider, but you could use something else.  You may want some lemon or lime 
juice, or some vinegar - last year's red batch even hsd a few ounces of 
whiskey.  You could chop in a few onions; I included apples.

Simmer until tender - you begin to understand why I was doing this outside.  
Let the mixture cool; at this point most batches I've made are roughly the 
texture of a typical commercial salsa.  Run the mix in batches through a 
food processor to get a puree.  Strain this through a seive (or don't, if 
you want it to be chunkier) and you get a sauce that can be served through a 
squirt top on a woozie bottle.

I usually hot-can my batches, and so far the 1998 batch is still quite good. 
  I enjoyed opening some of the 1999 for Jim at Madison, since he saw the 
same batch cooking in the pot last fall.

- A
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