Re: [CH] V6 #176 hab mash (was Madison)

Cameron Begg (
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 14:38:30 -0700

Hi C-H's,

I wrote:
>  >The sauce is however very watery. The pulp will not stay in
>>suspension but falls to the bottom of the bottle spoiling the
>>appearance. Does anyone have any recommendations for what to use to
>  >increase the viscosity?
>At 2:50 PM -0400 4/22/00, Uncle Steve wrote:
>Try Arrowroot for increase the viscosity without changing the flavor. I think
>it works better than corn starch.

  Thanks Steve. Arrowroot is in fact another form of starch, but 
useful in that the resultant thickened liquid is almost clear. It is 
the agent of choice for fruit pie glazes and clear gravies. 
Unfortunately I suspect that it might be fermentable since starch is 
a sugar polymer. Do any of you use gums or resins for thickening?

>The freezing and thawing process is most
>likely adding some extra water by way of condensation.

Not in this case. The pods were sealed airtight to limit spoilage.
